Precious metal sputtering targets made the new-fashioned way.
Continuous quality is more than our ISO-9001 certification. It’s the way we’ve always done business. You can see it in every inch of every department of our precious metal sputtering target factory in New Mexico. It’s not just state-of-the-art. It’s state-of-the-everything. Where custom targets are designed to more efficiently reach the substrate, so more cash flow remains on your balance sheet. Where spent targets go through DHF advanced analysis methods to give you a precise, transparent return on your precious metal refining and keep your working capital working while we turn around your new target. A factory filled with people dedicated to every detail. And a process that’s as hands on as you can get with molten precious metal at over 1763 degrees. In fact, the only thing old fashioned about our factory is our commitment to serving you. That will never get old.